I heard someone say recently that "Pinterest is full of amazing ideas and crafts, not like anyone would actually have the time or skill to create any of the stuff they pin." I instantly got that confused, slightly disgusted look on my face, thinking that I may be part of the small percentage of "pinners" who actually carry out the ideas they pin! This made me feel quite superior, so I was on to my next DIY project. :-)
After stressing over having 3 mother's to buy for and not a clue of what to get, it came to me... in the form of a Pinterest overload! The best gift is a living gift! The gift that keeps on giving. A Succulent Terrarium. So I decided to build some terrariums. After sorting through what seemed like hundreds of pins, I had a basic idea of how to go about my project. So this past Saturday (that's right, 1 day before Mother's Day) I talked my husband, and the dog, to go along with me to Lowes to grab some supplies. They had all of the basic components: decorative pebbles, potting soil, moss and various succulents. Each item was less than $6.00, which made this an inexpensive project. Later that day I found myself scouring the glass candle holder section at Hobby Lobby where I purchased the 2, none-hanging, bases for $5-$6 each. Then, I got really lucky at Marshalls and found actual hanging terrariums in all sizes! They were less than $5.00 each & it was all I could do not to purchase 10 of them and hang them all over my house! But I stuck to the plan and got out with what I needed.
The morning of the "big day" I started assembling my little fairy domes around 6am. I laid down a couple of the decorative rocks to keep the soil from packing down and then filled the bottom of each container with potting soil. I then strategically placed 3 different succulents into the soil. After that I placed pieces of moss and pebbles around the succulents and my project was a success! I added a little water to each masterpiece and they were ready to give. I even got to keep one for myself since all of the mini succulents came in packs of 4. I hope each woman that received one will enjoy them for months or even years to come!
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